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Improving access to quality, affordable child care in Nanaimo

Patricia O’Hagan, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Human Services, stands at the site of the new child care centre to be constructed at VIU’s Nanaimo campus over the next three years. The centre will provide much-needed additional childcare spaces for Nanaimo, as well as learning opportunities for students.

June 25, 2020 - 1:15pm

The Ministry of Children and Family Development is investing in new child care spaces in Nanaimo, including a new centre at Vancouver Island University (VIU).

VIU’s Elders-in-Residence will consult on the centre’s curriculum to ensure children learn about Indigenous cultures, traditions and history. The new, accessible building will function as a child care centre, providing local families with an additional 75 spaces, and a training hub where students in programs, including early childhood education, social work, nursing and dental hygiene, will be offered a practicum, providing both parents and children with these services. VIU expects the new facility to be completed by fall 2022 and open to families in early 2023.

For more information, please see the BC Government news release.

Tags: Announcements

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