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Shoots with Roots 12 days of Outdoor Play Challenge

Children running across a snowy lawn
Author: Pamela Murray

Can you play outdoors for at least 30 minutes every day, for 12 days in a row?

The Shoots with Roots program at Milner Gardens & Woodland is challenging families, teachers and the rest of our community to commit to spending at least 30 minutes playing, learning, or exploring outdoors every day between December 21 and January 1.

To participate, you can download a chart to track your progress, and Follow the Shoots with Roots Facebook page, where we will be posting an activity suggestion every day throughout the challenge. Simply spend at least 30 minutes outdoors each day. You can complete the suggested activity or do something else that interests you. Share your adventures using #12daysofoutdoorplay!  

More information, including a downloadable chart to track your progress and a full instruction booklet for those who would prefer to avoid social media during winter break, are available on the Milner Gardens’ website.


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