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EleV Interactive Learning Session

Cedar branch in a jar in foreground, people in VIU's Gathering Place in background

VIU Office of Indigenous Education & Engagement: Integrated Learning Series

EleV Learning suggests a philosophy of “All My Relations”: an inclusive community where we find balance between the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual realms, which enables students to engage in their learning, persist, and define their own successes.

This interactive workshop is part of the Office of Indigenous Education & Engagement's Integrated Learning Series. It is designed to share promising practices and teachings that are emerging from the programs and activities run by the Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement. Sharing the teachings we have received from Indigenous learners, communities, learning partners and families is a way to be accountable to these groups and honour the responsibility to be transparent and authentic in our work together.

A series of presentations and dialogues were held in early 2020 and through these sessions we received valuable feedback that enables us to continue to evolve the Integrated Learning Series going forward and invite additional relations and contributions. Many workshops will involve some pre-reading and hands-on learning during the session.


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